AAMPS is very proud to present the first African Herbal Pharmacopoeia
The African Herbal pharmacopoeia, presented by AAMPS, provides comprehensive, up to date botanical, commercial and phytochemical information on over fifty of the most important African medicinal plants. The technical data were made on plant samples sourced from across the continent. These monographs prepared by leading African scientists, have been reviewed by international experts. Additional data include micro morphology of the plant material, distribution maps, HPLC traces and TLC chromatograms of adulterants. These data are crucial for producers, collectors and traders in medicinal plants and extracts as well as researchers, manufacturers and practitioners. The scope, quality and standard of these herbal monographs are comparable to those prepared in Europe, North America and Asia. Whilst this is the very first edition, it is being proposed to proceed to a second edition, quickly, both in printed and electronic form as more data becomes available.
Spanning 6 years of the combined efforts of 31 experts in African medicinal plants and herbal medicine, who had one common dream: generate income and employment for all those working in Africa in this sector by unlocking the health potential of African medicinal plants.

African medicinal flora in the limelight by Nokwanda P. Makunga in the South African Journal of Science
Elizabeth Williamson - University of Reading (PDF, 16 KB)
Andrew Marston - The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medecine (PDF, 45 KB)
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Other items produced by AAMPS
People, Plants and Nature
22 case studies of benefit sharing in practice, with regards to medicinal plants.
Green Gold
Plant monographs
A book about 10 medicinal plants that have been successfully commercialised in the SADEC region.
Individual plant monographs.